It’s not the FUN slides we associate with summer. No backyard slide with your dump truck rumbling down. Not a nice, tall, park slide to squeal down as you reach for someone to catch you. No water slide splashing spray and making waves for you to shoot through and throw yourself into!
This summer slide is the loss of reading skills that can happen during the summer months.
What can we do to stop the Summer Slide?
- Book Availability- Use free resources for your family to have access to a wide variety of interests and reading levels. Make sure there is always a stack of books waiting to be read for each of your children! For information about a variety of free book resources for your family available in Onslow County visit
- Book Selection- Allow your child to use the summer to find books on topics of interest. When children select their own reading materials and read for enjoyment, they receive the most gains in reading achievement.
- Modeling Behavior- Let them see you read. Children will imitate what you do. They will learn what you value by what you give your time to. Share a family reading time at the end of the day.
- Summer Programs- Encourage your child to join a summer reading program. Summer programs are wonderful ways to keep children reading–and add enjoyment and social interaction in the mix as well. For information about the Onslow County Public Library’s Summer Reading Program visit
- Goal Setting- Set small goals. The goal of reading one book or three books, of finding a new author, or of reading a first chapter book. Achieving small goals really develops momentum–which is a great way to go back to school.
So here’s your Summer Slide Assignment: When you’re getting ready to play in the backyard with the dump truck rolling down the slide, at the park with your child squealing, or at the water park splashing away, remember to throw some books in your bag and read!
Read every day. Every day. Just 20 minutes. It’s that simple.