Netalia Dunn’s story begins in small classroom huts behind Richlands Elementary School, in Onslow County, North Carolina. This is where she first entered the world of Head Start as a bright-eyed three-year-old. It was more than just an early education experience for Netalia—it was the foundation of a journey that would come full circle during her adult life.
Growing up in a tight-knit community, Head Start was not just a program; it was a way of life. It was where everyone knew each other, and many families, including Netalia’s, were deeply involved. Her mother, who worked in the program, was a central figure in her life and a strong influence on her future career. Watching her mother navigate her role with professionalism, dedication, and joy, Netalia knew early on that she wanted to follow a similar path and be a part of the Head Start community.
Head Start programs support children’s growth from birth to age 5 through services centered around early learning and development, health, and family well-being. Head Start staff actively engage parents, recognizing family participation throughout the program as key to strong child outcomes. Early Head Start programs work with families that have children ages birth to 3, and many also serve expectant families.
Until recently, Netalia served as the Direct Services Manager for the Early Head Start program at One Place. Her favorite part of her work is witnessing the growth of both the children and their families while engaged in the program. She loves seeing the transformation in families who are new to the program, many of whom are experiencing a child care environment for the first time. With the strong support system that Early Head Start provides—including family service advocates, education and disabilities teams, and health specialists—Netalia feels proud to be part of a program that supports families, helping them to thrive both inside and outside the classroom.
Netalia hopes to see Head Start and Early Head Start programs continue to expand so that every child can benefit early on, no matter where they are. “My goal is to start Head Starts all over the world. I want a Head Start in every state, every city,” she said. She knows that the program works and wants to see it flourish everywhere.
If she had the ear of policymakers, Netalia would advocate for increased funding to support early childhood professionals and the programs that serve the youngest and most vulnerable members of society. “The more investment we can get in the beginning, the better outcomes for children and families. Those first 2,000 days of a child’s life are the most important.”
Netalia’s journey from a Head Start child to an Early Head Start professional is a testament to the power of early childhood education. It’s a journey filled with joy, dedication, and a deep commitment to serving others. “Early Head Start is not a job, it’s a joy. It is a journey with several pieces, but I am truly thankful to have been part of Early Head Start.”
Netalia’s story is a beautiful cycle of giving back to the program that gave her so much. Now, she carries with her the lessons, love, and legacy of Early Head Start—a journey that began in those little huts behind Richlands Elementary School.
To Learn more about One Place’s Early Head Start Program visit: